- Josh Jans should be nominated to be a part of Ragan's Wall
because he exemplifies all four important qualities. Josh is
always positive and looking towards the bright side of things.
He goes out of his way to help people and is one of the
most dependable people I know. Josh has been involved in
SOS, Student Council, football captain, and track, and class officer
throughout high school, and he is continuing on to play college
football next year. Not only does Josh donate much of his
time, he also donates part of his heart. Many people
have been touched by Josh and many people look up and adore him.
- I believe Josh Jans is very deserving of a Ragan's Wall award.
Josh volunteers for pretty much everything. He is an active
member of SOS. Josh is a quiet leader. He has a very calm
gentle strength to me. He was selected by his peers to be
captain of the football team and on student council. Josh puts
endless hours into student council and emceeing various events.
He is on the executive board for student council again elected by
his peers. Though Josh gives hours to make PLSH a better place
he still takes a high rigger of advanced classes.
- When I think of nominees for Ragan's wall, my mind automatically
goes to Josh. He definitely has a positive outlook on life.
He easily sees the silver lining to any cloud that comes his way.
Not only that, but he encourages others to embrace the positive
things in their life instead of dwelling on the negatives.
Josh has excellent moral character. Over his four years in
high school, Josh has had many opportunities to make bad decisions.
Not only has he not made these decisions, he has made every effort
to keep himself out of situations where others are making poor
decisions. Josh has had so many accomplishments in his
lifetime that I'm only going to tell about the most recent.
After making the "B" team in his freshman year, Josh continued
living his passion for football. After a year of extremely hard
work and much dedication, Josh ended up being a "starter" both his
junior and senior years. His senior year he also gained
approval, support, and respect from his peers, as was proven when he
was voted captain. Josh has also had successes in other areas
of his life. He was elected into Student Council and his first
year was also elected onto the Executive Board as the Treasurer.
He ahs been a very strong addition to the S.O.S. program now for
years. While keeping this busy schedule he has managed to
maintain excellent grades. Josh is always the first person to
give up everything he has for others. He gives most of his
time to the school through programs such as S.O.S. and Student
Council, but even when he's not doing that, he's helping someone.
Whether he's your shoulder to cry on, or just that person to tell
what happened to you on the weekend, most people have confided in
Josh. He has spent hours and hours listening to others and
being that person who really, truly cares about them. I
believe that giving your time to others is the most generous thing
of all and the exact depiction of this is Josh Jans.