"In the worldbs most difficult and dangerous conflicts, local peacebuilders are making a real difference."
Every day they risk their lives to build peace and prevent conflict in the places where it starts b locally.
"Launched to coincide with the United Nations International Day of Peace (IDP) 2013 theme: bEducation for Peace,b
Pathways To Peace stewarded the creation of the Peace Education Resource Center (PERC) in September 2013."
"Jeremy Gilley is an actor turned filmmaker, who in the late 1990s became preoccupied with questions about
the fundamental nature of humanity and the issue of peace. He decided to explore these through the medium of film,
and specifically, to create a documentary following his campaign to establish an annual day of ceasefire and non-violence."
"Each year on September 21, the UN invites all nations and people to honor a cessation of hostilities and commemorate
the International Day of Peace through education and public awareness on issues related to peace. In the quest for peace,
UPF and its Ambassadors for Peace around the world organize commemorations of the International Day of Peace each year."
"World Peace Day officially The International Day of Peace b is
observed annually on September 21.
It is dedicated to world peace, specifically to strengthening the
ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.
Hopefully, it will become the occasion for a temporary ceasefire in a
combat zones for humanitarian aid access."
"The International Day of Peace is celebrated on September 21, 2014. It
is also known as the World Peace Day and occurs annually on September
The day is dedicated to peace, and specifically the absence of war,
such as might be occasioned by a temporary ceasefire in a combat zone.
The World Peace Day was declared by the United Nations (UN) in 1981.
Since then it is observed by many nations, political groups, military
groups, and peoples."
"Imagineb& millions of pinwheels spinning in the wind b
pinwheels in the United States, Great Britain, South America,
Australia, the Middle East, Canada,
Africa, Europe and Asia; pinwheels all over the world! b big
pinwheels, small pinwheels; pinwheels of all shapes and sizes b
colorful pinwheels,
decorated with drawings, paintings, collages, photographs b pinwheels
with words of peace and harmony written on them b fields of
pinwheels along roadsides, in schoolyards, in parks, pinwheels
"What can YOU do to build PEACE in your world? The U.N. International
Day of Peace (bPeace Dayb) is a global day of local opportunity.
Individuals, organizations and communities can get involved by engaging
in peace related activities that are meaningful to them."
"You may already know that Peace One Day drove the initiative that led
to the unanimous adoption by UN member states of an annual
day of global ceasefire and non-violence on 21 September b Peace Day.
Peace One Daybs objective is to institutionalise Peace Day,
making it a day that is self-sustaining, an annual day of global unity,
a day of intercultural cooperation on a scale that humanity has never
"21 September 2014 is the fourteenth International Day of Peace. The
United Nations General Assembly decided (in resolution 55/282) on 7
September 2001 that,
beginning in 2002, the International Day of Peace should be observed on
21 September each year. The Assembly declared that the Day be observed
a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, an invitation to all
nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities during the
International Day of Peace.
It invited all UN member states, organisations of the United Nations
system, regional and non-governmental organisations and individuals to
the Day in an appropriate manner, including through education and
public awareness, and to cooperate with the United Nations in
establishing a global ceasefire."